Image Order Requests
In order to have your request approved for photographic/document reproductions and processed please fill out our online Image Order Request Form.
Before filling out the online form, you may want to review the following:
Fees for image reproductions:
The Lake Jackson Historical Association reserves the right to decline requests for reproductions.

Use Fees
The Lake Jackson Historical Association reserves the right to deny permission to use images.

Additional Uses
Non-profit exhibition
Most images may be used in non-profit museum exhibitions or displays, but permission must be requested through the Image Order Request Form. Use fees are usually waived. Fees for images may apply.
Thesis / dissertation / school paper / classroom use
Although permission must be obtained through the Image Order Request Form to use an image in a school paper, master's thesis, or dissertation, fees are usually waived. Likewise, fees are waived for educational classroom use. Fees for images may apply.
Reuse fee
Reusing an image in a new edition or a new project constitutes a re-use. All requests for re-use or change in use must be applied for using the Image Order Request Form.
Terms and Conditions of use for images
In return for permission to procure reproductions from the Lake Jackson Historical Association, the following terms and conditions will apply:
1. An Image Order Request Form must be completed and all applicable fees must be paid, before photographic or document reproduction requests can be processed.
2. Once granted, permission for obtaining reproductions may not be sold or transferred. It is for one-time-use only, unless specified. Reprints, subsequent editions, or additional uses of any kind must be preceded by a new order form and are not covered by the original permissions and fees.
3. The image must be reproduced in its/their entirety unless identified as a “detail.” Superimposing type or other elements upon the image, cropping the image, bleeding the image off the page, or printing the image on colored stock paper is prohibited without prior written permission from the Director.
4. The credit line “Lake Jackson Historical Association” must appear in the immediate proximity to the reproduction, or in the section of the publication devoted to acknowledgments or credits.
5. Any applicant purchasing an image for study purposes only, who later decides to reproduce or publish it, must first secure written permission from the Association. In this case, it is necessary to file a new order form.
6. In no case shall the Lake Jackson Historical Association be held liable for any legal action that results as a consequence of the use, publication, or distribution of materials taken or derived from its archives, curatorial files or other records, and that these matters are solely the responsibility of the applicant.
After you submit your request, the following will occur:
You will receive an e-mail with an invoice and acceptable methods of payment.
You submit the payment.
Your image order is prepared and sent to you through e-mail.